how to maintain a strong bond with your teenager

Stay away from broiled and slick food varieties like French fries, burgers, and weighty sauces as they can cause acid reflux and drowsiness in warm climate
2. Fiery Food varieties
Fiery food varieties can increment internal heat level and cause sweat, which can prompt parchedness. Hence, abstain from eating zesty food varieties during summer.
3. Sweet Beverages
Soda pops, caffeinated drinks, and other sweet refreshments can dry out the body. In this manner, it's smarter to drink new natural product juices, coconut water, or plain water during summers.
4. Energized Beverages
Exorbitant caffeine admission can cause parchedness, causing cerebral pains, queasiness, and unsteadiness. Thusly, keeping away from tea or espresso in summers is better.
5. Red Meat
Red meat takes more time to process and produces more intensity in the body, which can increment internal heat levels during summers. Accordingly, it's smarter to decide on lighter meat choices like chicken or fish.
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